Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Snowman, We Hardly Knew Ye, But We Propped You Up

With a mere two inches of snow comes this handsome fellow. With those stunning black eyes, red nose, celery mouth and buttons, and pine board pipe, he screams sophistication. A smashing red scarf and Cincinnati Reds floppy hat top off the ensemble. Coming in at a shade under five feet, while small in stature he is big on fun. Looks can be deceiving. Lest you think he is perfect, he did develop a mean lean. But he is not your typical snowman, so he did not fall over like your typical snowman either. I know what you are thinking - his head fell to the ground and returned to the snowflakes from whence it came. Wrong! His entire body, including the bottom section, tipped over and was laying on its side. There was only one thing to do, and you would have done it too if you have a heart. Tip him back up and wedge him to remove the lean. Sure, we had to patch his head back together, but only a little bit on the back. And now he is as good as new, even better than before. And now he can melt with dignity, as any snowman should be able to do. As we wait helplessly, he is dissolving before our very eyes. but as the old saying goes - better to have built a snowman, tipped him back up, and watch him melt, than to never had built one to begin with.

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