Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fun with Candles

With the Christmas season comes candles, for some reason. Someone I know has become fascinated with burning candles, especially the toy soldier. This unlucky soldier met his demise within a couple of days. Of course he had been spared for years prior to this by being stored safely in the cabinet. Once his head had melted, his midsection quickly dissolved with his shoulders and arms collapsing into the fire and melting and burning away. The legs went just as quick and before you knew it he was all boots. Now his residual pool has cooled and he resides in the garbage, unrecognizable as the wax defender of freedom he once was. Now it is on to a white tree shaped candle which burns just a quickly. One and a half sections down the tree and fatigue fell upon the candle burner, who fell asleep. Now the candles are out and waiting for another day of fire and fun!

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