Thursday, March 4, 2010

Snow Days...and Nights

So here we have a dilemma (actually had a dilemma, this took place nearly two weeks ago). A foot or so of snow on the ground and very little time spent playing in it. Throw on top of that the looming threat of warmer temperatures and rain and we have a full blown catastrophe on our hands. Fear not. We have the hat trick of solutions, a triple crown if you will, or perhaps a triple play. We can do three things to mitigate this most disastrous event. Number one, take off work an hour early and play as soon as the school bus arrives. Check. There is reason to be cautious with this approach. Especially if your belt does not sufficiently support your pants in anything more than minimal movement. This is extremely risky when running across the yard racing your child as he is sliding on a tube through the snow. Not that this was learned from experience but you may just end up in the front yard with your pants around your ankles. Just saying. Number two, after arriving home from an evening of festivities, play in the snow, even if it is nearing midnight. Check. There is still time to play in the snow. This is a good opportunity to sled on the crusty snow. It makes for a fast track. You may even slide the length of the house and into the street! Number three, get no rain and play the next day as well. Check. This was an excellent time to build a snowman, just in time for the melt to start the following day. Quite a sturdy little fellow too I might add. Much better than the last one we built that pitched over. Now this can be hazardous as well. When in the back yard pushing each other down in the snow, it is possible, again not necessarily from experience, to rip your pants and render them indecent. But at least we are talking back yard here, and under a long coat, if that were to happen.

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