Wednesday, November 9, 2016

President-Elect Trump

After 8 years in the liberal wilderness, hope is renewed again!  After months of being told Donald Trump can not win and Hillary Clinton is inevitable, the American people have sent a clear message of repudiation of Obama's America and the America-last far left agenda.  What accomplishments await President Trump is unknown, but it will certainly be better than the disaster that would have accompanied a Hillary Clinton presidency as well as the death spiral of the Obama administration.  While the electorate was either bamboozled by a slick talker or unmotivated by a watered down republican candidate in the last two presidential elections, this time the choice was clear - an establishment liberal standing for the status quo and a political outsider with a no nonsense connection to the average American who has been shut out of the process for the last twenty years.  Millions of Americans outside of the liberal bubbles of the urban centers have stood up and said enough is enough.  Despite being labelled racist, sexist, deplorable, and irredeemable, they found their voice in Donald Trump and took the first step toward reclaiming their country.  This in the face of the greatest headwind in presidential election history composed of establishment politicians from both parties and the media.  For the record these supporters are not racist, sexist, or worse, they are the backbone of the country and finally have had enough of the liberal agenda which has weakened the country and led to a rotten culture which the average American does not support or recognize.  Hopefully President Trump follows through and answers the call of the millions of Americans who stormed the polls and propelled him to the White House.  They expect it and deserve nothing less.  

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