Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013!!!

This Christmas celebration started Christmas Eve morning with a robust breakfast of fried eggs, omelets, and toast.  And of course some hot tea.  Oh, and eggnog too!  This makes using 15 eggs in less than two days a breeze!

What Christmas celebration is complete without the burning of candles?  Burning candy canes, Christmas trees, cranberry wreaths, and left over church service candles should be a staple of every Christmas tradition.  The more the merrier.  Burn baby burn!

Next it was onto the world of Bloon Tower Defense.  A co-op mode battle for the ages where the bloons were overwhelmed by our forces.  Level 96 was a breeze but the lag on the server made it impossible to continue to what would easily have been a trip past level 100 on Highway, level hard, on reverse mode.


By this time it was time to get up and move around a little bit.  With the frigid temperatures outside the obvious choice is to measure our fitness on the Wii.  Tennis, walking the tight rope (records fell), ski jump, bubble balance, stepping, focusing, stretching, exercising, rolling balls into holes, and hula hooping were all part of the program.  Also part of the workout was the daily body test where after hundreds of days all passed with gliding, if not flying colors.  Even the dog had put on some weight but he still has a lovely shape!

Next was dinner and a movie.  Santa Buddies was the order of the day to the disappointment of no one.   Once again Puppy Paws saved Christmas and the Christmas Icicle refroze as Christmas spirit captivated the world.  Turkey and the fixin's always goes down better with a hearty dose of Christmas cinematic magic.  Shout out to B-Dog!

By now it is dark and Christmas lights are shining bright.  But what good are they if no one sees them?  So in the car we go as we search out Christmas spirit in light form.  This took us on a two hour trek from the country to the city and back.  Along the way we were serenaded by the Robertson's and their new Christmas CD.  Hairy Christmas and a Happy Happy Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!

Now comes the time of night all have been waiting for.  Time to open Christmas presents!  A late start by normal standards but the show must go on.  Paper was shredded, torn, ripped, thrown, wadded, and pitched to the side.  Hundreds of pictures were taken to document the event for future generations.  A good time was had by all and now we must hurry to bed before Santa arrives!

 Wow, he is getting close by now and the pressure is on!  The reindeer have been fed, Santa's key left on the door, and an impromptu note left for Santa so he knows to wrap our presents and leave a couple under the little tree upstairs.  Off to bed we all go in hopes that we all were found on the nice list!  After a good night's sleep we all awoke to surprise after surprise under the tree.  We must have been on the nice list after all, as if there was any doubt.

After opening Santa's gifts and lounging around a while it was time for a new adventure - joining a Minecraft faction.  A seasoned leader led the way.  We have raided several people's belongings and had fun along the way.  Still have not been able to fight anyone as of yet but that is a matter of time.

All in all, a Merry Christmas was had by all! There's really nothing left to say except, 

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