Monday, November 4, 2013

I Shall Don Gay Apparel!

While watching Megan Kelly and her prime-time show on Foxnews this fine evening, a clip of a choir singing Deck the Halls popped on the screen.  That's all fine and dandy, but what they sang hit the ear a little funny.  As you can hear in the clip above, there is no gay apparel being donned, but rather warm apparel.  I don't know what they were singing, but it ain't your Grand Pappy's "Deck the Halls".  This is a modern, watered down, politically correct, mamby-pamby version.  Now I understand the word "gay" has been co-opted by the homosexual movement and has come to represent the homosexual lifestyle and its associated behaviors, but they can not redefine the word gay just because they say so.  Gay today and forever more will mean happy, alive, exuberant, spirited, colorful.  It's not as if the song says, "don we now our homosexual apparel".  Let's call it like it is.  "Gays" are homosexual.  Christmas apparel is gay.  They are not the same.  As for me, I will don gay apparel every Christmas season until I sing my last Christmas carol.  Its a shame the homosexual movement has ruined a perfectly good word and is in the process of running it right out of the common usage it once enjoyed. 

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