Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fear It...Fear It...Feeaaarrrr Ittttttt...

If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...Also don't stick your head in your phone while sitting in the front row just beyond the dugout.  If a batter lets his bat go and it comes your way you will have no chance to get out of the way and you will leave the stadium in an ambulance and the nice guys behind you will have to give the bat back.

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