Sunday, July 28, 2013

Big Daddy's Big Time Adventure

Here we find ourselves immersed in the world of Minecraft.  Your eyes are feasted upon the main house, also known as the only house, from where our adventure is based.  Notice the expert carpentry, beautiful landscaping, and country setting.  Let this not fool you as we have killed many critters who have come our way in the name of destroying what we have worked so hard to build.  So far I have died only once, at the hands of an unfortunate encounter with lava.  Fortunately I re-spawned at the beautiful location before your eyes and lived to fight another day.  Thanks to my trusty sidekick I am well on my way to ruling the world.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fear It...Fear It...Feeaaarrrr Ittttttt...

If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...If it breaks or cracks...Also don't stick your head in your phone while sitting in the front row just beyond the dugout.  If a batter lets his bat go and it comes your way you will have no chance to get out of the way and you will leave the stadium in an ambulance and the nice guys behind you will have to give the bat back.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Topps Baseball is Back!

It is past due for another Topps set to be pieced together instead of buying the complete factory set at the end of the year.  2013 is the year to get back into the old days and put another set together.  It is mission accomplished as the set is complete and includes these beauties.  Now we wait for 2014 to see if we do it again or just a buy a box at the end of the year.  Here's to hoping we do it again!