Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election Disaster

Thank you nonproductive and uninformed citizens.  It's a shame your contribution to our country is to ensure its demise as a superpower, both economically and militarily.  But, hey, you get to keep your Obama phones and you will get your "free" health care.  I know you think Obama cares for you, but he does not.  You are a means to an end.  He has his agenda and you are not part of it.  In the end, if he has his way, you will be poorer, less secure, and less free.  Just remember when this happens, it will not be the fault of the rich, it will not be racism, it will not be Bush's fault, it will not be because of the evil republican party.  It will be because you were too naive to see the truth which has been staring you in the face the last four years.  You get what you deserve, unfortunately the rest of us must suffer with you.

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