Friday, October 12, 2012

Number One on the Fold Endorses Mitt Romney

With the most anticipated and sought after endorsement of this political season, Number One on the Fold has officially endorsed Mitt Romney for president.  After nearly four years of failed leadership, it is time for a change in the White House.  While the president is quick to point out the economic challenges his administration inherited, he has been slow in providing any real solutions to meet and overcome those challenges.  Instead, trillions of dollars later, the economy is still in shambles, deficits are at an all time high, more people are in poverty and on food stamps, wages are down, and on and on and on.  Add to this Obamacare, which if fully implemented, will eventually funnel everyone into a centralized government-rationed healthcare system while at the same time adding scores of hidden taxes on everything from pacemakers to investment income.  Things are not any better on the international front, where the president has diminished American influence around the globe.  US foreign policy is in shambles as long time allies such as Israel wonder if we will support them as other nations threaten to wipe them from the map. No clearer example is needed than Mr. Obama's recent refusal to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, deciding instead to deliver cloth napkins and serve as "eye candy" for the ladies on The View.  Cover-ups abound with the murder of the US ambassador in Libya and the failed gun running scheme Fast and Furious.  What was sold as hope and change four years ago has turned into the most deceptive and ineffective presidency in the nation's history.  Instead of a post partisan president, Mr. Obama has governed as if the opposition party does not exist other than to serve as a whipping boy at which he directs blame for all his failures.  This president does not know the meaning of responsibility or how to apply it.  It is a foreign concept to him, one only for others as they take the fall for his failures.  Anyone who takes an honest, objective look at the last four years has to admit Mr. Obama has failed.  As in any other realm of life, if something is not working, has failed, and is completely ineffective, it must be replaced.  This country can not afford four more years of Barack Obama.  It can not afford four more years of his view that America is the cause of the world's problems.  It can not withstand four more years of Barack Obama apologizing for America's role in the world.  It can not afford four more years of trillion dollar deficits.  It can not afford four more years of deception and cover-ups.  November 6, 2012 gives America a chance to hit the reset button and elect a president who believes in America and the American people.  A president who will finally take the necessary steps to harvest the natural resources here in the United States which will allow us to become energy independent.  A president who will stand up to Russia and not make secret deals after the election when they have "more flexibility".  A president that will not dodge the tough issues and run for cover and blame everyone but the man in the mirror.  A president who will lead instead of make speeches.  A president named Mitt Romney. 

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