Saturday, January 30, 2010

Who Invited Him?

You may be wondering why a picture of Mike Krzyzewski appears on this blog. And while that is a fair question, the score, as shown in the picture, must be noted. You see, anytime Duke loses, it is a victory for mankind. The perennially overrated Blue Devils got trounced by Georgetown today and it brought a happy, warm feeling to me today as I turned on the television. As celebration broke out across the globe, somewhere in Kansas, Dick Vitale reached for the Kleenex box. Cheer up Baby!

I'm Stuffed!

Well, the no luck of finding spiders in the basement has ended with the discovery of two brown spiders on a drain pipe. Two luscious beauties were extricated from their habitat and deposited into the bug box. The smaller one was quickly disposed of by the big black spider. The bigger brown spider discovered an escape route from the bug box and had too be vacuumed up a second time, this time from a bucket of onions. Thankfully we found him. The picture is of the escape artist being eaten after his recapture and both victims in the bug vacuum. The hunt continues for another big black spider to see if one will attack the other or if they will coexist together since they are of like ancestry. Fear not, details will be posted as they become available.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Where have All the Spiders Gone?

Well, if you are wondering why there is no picture it is because there is nothing to take a picture of. The spider hunt continued in the basement this evening with no luck. Not one to be found anywhere. In years past there have been many in the basement that met their demise with a thunderous thump of a board, stick, or shoe. But nothing tonight. We even checked upstairs in corners and everything. Our fair captive spider is doing well though and anxiously awaiting his next visitor in the bug box. We will keep you posted.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Spider, It's What's for Dinner

Update on the big spider living in the bug box. A new light brown spider was captured upstairs and placed in the box. It found its home most interesting and quickly made its way from top to bottom and side to side. However, he could not have known what would become of his eight legged existence. Within minutes it became a tasty delight for the big spider which has been living the life of luxury for the past few weeks. It was not long before the big black spider was on its back and had captured the brown spider. The big black spider carried the brown spider around as if he was hoisting a championship trophy. Within a couple of hours the brown spider was all but gone. Legend has it that if you listen carefully, you can still hear the big black spider burp, even today. So we will continue to monitor the life and times of the big black spider. If all goes well maybe we can get more from the basement and give it a buddy...or dinner. It's really up to him. Stayed tuned.

Thin Skinned

While preparing to make a poached egg, this happened when I cracked the shell and peeled it away. Maybe this happens all the time but I have never seen it. The shell was broken and removed and a thin skin was still intact holding in the egg. That is until I poked a hole in it and poured it into hot water. It was delicious after all. It's a good thing I cut my fingernails last night so they cold be presentable while holding this special egg.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Interesting game of checkers. Not one checker was claimed by either player and we played to a draw. What are the chances? Especially with a five year old! The second game was not a stalemate. But a good game none the less. It was after the second game we indulged in the first Cadbury Eggs of the season. The good kind with the white and yellow cream that looks like an egg. Not the caramel kind that poses as a Cadbury Egg. Checkers was preceded by a spirited game of Uno between the gentlemen of the house. The night concluded with some Leapster frivolity, playing Letterpillar. I am pretty good with the alphabet if I do say so myself.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Touch, The Feel, Of Cotton in Our Lives

How could a two pair of UK socks hold greater power than four Bengals jerseys and two Bengals t-shirts? And we are not talking about a malodorous power either. On a day when the University of Kentucky beat Georgia with a mere two pair of socks, the Cincinnati Bengals limped to defeat to the New York J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets behind the power of multiple jerseys and t-shirts. What is up with that? Now admittedly, there is a UK flag flying proudly on the front of the house. But seriously. I am left scratching my head.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Doggy Days are Here Again!

We have a dog. We have a dog with no name. We have a dog who is sleeping and snoring. We have a dog who howled at our grumpy cat through a door. There will poop to be scooped, walks to be walked, bones to be chewed. Our entire house has been sniffed and sniffed again. The next big step is introducing this fine fellow to our cats. This will be interesting.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sock It to Me

These beauties made their debut Saturday January 2, 2010 for the Kentucky - Louisville basketball game. They were purchased for $5.00 from a gas station, oddly enough, just outside of Louisville. The power of socks should not be underestimated, nor the trifecta of UK sweatshirts, a pair of UK pampies (pants), UK cups, and various blue items. Rest assured the socks will be used throughout the remainder of the season as needed to propel Big Blue to victory!

Happy Belated New Year!

It was an amazing New Year's trip! We stood in awe of the atmosphere in Times Square. It was an out of body experience, as if we were not even there. But here are the pictures to prove it, right? We happened by the Fox News Channel booth (Channel 360 on Direct TV) and snapped this shot of Megyn Kelley. It seemed like we were there only a few minutes before the ball dropped. I got this awesome shot of the ball right before the New Year, just a couple of seconds before 2010 was here and 2009 was but a memory. An absolutely fantastic way to ring in the new year. Could not have enjoyed it more if I was watching on TV. Really.

So Long Fly, Welcome Big Spider

After the last post on Christmas Day the rogue fly was confined to a bathroom and miraculously sucked into the bug vacuum and sentenced to life in the bug box. He lived for several days but then succumbed to a lonely life with a dead spider. He was found dead under a leaf the same night the big spider found itself in the friendly confines. This was the first successful spider detention. One was previously vacuumed but died while being extracted from its habitat in the basement. Now we anxiously await to see if the new spider will eat the old dead fly. Time will tell. Exciting times indeed!