Monday, November 23, 2009

Edger or Log Splitter?

The fire pit has been christened! After a couple of attempts to get the logs burning, she burned and fun was had by all, except the landscape edger, which is not a log splitter. I was able to split some of the small logs with a hammer. That worked out pretty well. However, one of the big ones I thought I could split with an edger by banging it into the log and slamming it against the concrete driveway. Bad idea. I managed to get the edger wedged in the log, then got a chisel stuck for a while before knocking it out, and finally had to saw through half the log with a hand saw before I was able to beat a chunk off and I could get the edger out. It was quite entertaining for the neighbors I am sure. I think the handle on the edger may be broke, but it is still attached - a moral victory indeed. After that fiasco we roasted hot dogs and ate outside. All seemed well until I was driving to work this morning and saw something flicker in the mirror. I could not see what it was until two of them came flying out of the bed of my truck as I picked up speed. Apparently we left two paper plates, I am sure on of them still had some food on it, in the bed of my truck. Fortunately no police were around to nail me for littering. Upon arriving to work I also noticed two plastic cups in my bed, as well as the fire poker. So now I have some lessons learned to carry forward as I have the next fire sometime in the future. Just for safety's sake let us review:

Lesson 1: An edger is not a log splitter.
Lesson 2: Clean up all paper plates and cups to prevent driving away with them on your vehicle.

Up next - marshmallows.

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