Sunday, March 29, 2015

2015 Final Four!!!!!!!!!

A little closer than we would have preferred, but an exciting game nonetheless.  A little screaming, some blanket tossing, and accusations of having problems brought home the victory.  Now that the Final Four is here, only two more wins to perfection.  Hopefully, Wisconsin overeats on cheese this week and goes down on Saturday.  Go Big Blue!!!!!!!!!  38 - 0!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

SEC Champions! 34 - 0

Well, that was fun.  So far no games where you are left unfulfilled and grumpy about the outcome.  Now, if we can just do it 6 more times.  And yes, I said "we".  Why?  Because of the finely tuned selection of t-shirts, jerseys, pants, and socks.  You didn't think they got this far on talent and effort alone did you?

Saturday, March 7, 2015


If you are going to play 31 regular season games, you might as well win them all.  Pajama pants, socks, t-shirts, and jerseys certainly helped the cause this season.  You can not discount the impact of fan-worn team apparel on the outcome of the games.  And a special shout out to the house shoes.

More Snow!!!

What a wonderful March 4th!  Even though the day started out with a bunch of rain, it ended with 4.75 inches of snow, bringing the season total to 25.5 inches.  After being shut out in December and January, February and the first week of March has more than made up the difference.  After some frolicking in the snow the following day, a giant moon made an appearance, as did Jupiter.  Venus and Mars did too but they were a bit camera shy.  Or it could be the photographer was in house shoes and did not want to get dressed to go back out and take pictures.  On to spring???

Monday, March 2, 2015

Stop the Presses!

Adding the 3/4 inch of snow from yesterday morning and we are up to 20.75 inches so far for the season.  The watch is on for more later this week.