Thursday, July 31, 2014

Fun With My Minecraft Buddy

After months of scheduling conflicts Minecraft was once again on the agenda.  Fighting to the death many times and knocking each other off the platform was the order of the day.  Shot by arrow after arrow, my Minecraft buddy slayed me time and again, but I introduced him to ground level when it came time to punch on the platform.  This after killing ourselves time and again opening lucky blocks.  So lucky that we get locked in lava, thrown to the center of the world, and beat to death by zombies.  But a fun time was had by all!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Buy Me Some Peanuts and Salad?

While the game of baseball and the experience of going to a game has certainly changed over the last few decades, consuming a salad at the ballpark seems a little out of place.  Why not a hot dog, a pretzel, some nachos, or maybe Cracker Jacks?  Not to be judgmental, but eating a salad at a baseball game could possibly be the greatest affront to the game of baseball since the designated hitter...and Bud Selig.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Girl! That Hair!

Not that we here at Number One on the Fold are keepers of the fashion flame, but lately, Megan Kelly's hair has simply been atrocious.  It looks like she just got out of the shower and combed it straight back - in the 1980's.