Monday, April 21, 2014

Heating Up

After a couple of days of above normal temperatures, the refrigerator is once again cooling like none other.  After a new defrost heater and some dandy contortionist moves we are back in business.  Celebrations broke out kitchen wide as the heater came to life in a bright reddish orange glow.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Sad End to a Great Run

This was the toughest ending to the tournament since the 1992 Duke game.  While the ending was hard to watch, this has been the best run of tournament games in recent memory.  Who would have thought at the end of February this team would have made the finals?  Go Big Blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S.  Shabazz Napier is a tool for his Richard Sherman imitation.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

One More to Go!

WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!  What an amazing run!  Somehow this game was closer than the last one.  A quick sock change before game time may have made the difference as well as a couple of answered prayers.  Blue shoes again played a key role as did a blue dress somewhere in Appalachia.  One more game to go to notch number 9.  Talent wins again this fine night, and hopefully one more time this year!  Go Cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!