Sunday, September 29, 2013

Despicable Thee

Where have all the leaders gone?  Although they claim to want to repeal Obamacare, when given the chance to defund it they are nowhere to be found.  Chief among these is the spineless Mitch McConnell, who purports to be the Republican leader in the Senate.  If he is a leader, allow me to introduce myself, I am Christopher Columbus.  While he claims in his campaign adds to want to repeal it "root and branch", he never acts to actually do it.  His top priority is maintaining his own prestige and power within the cesspool of Washington, D.C.  He simply gives lip service to us mere common redneck, hayseed, ignorant peasants because he thinks it will get him re-elected.  He has now exposed himself as the elitist liar he is and hopefully will be moving out of Washington D.C. after the 2014 elections.  Anyone but Mitch in 2014!  We have seen enough of his "leadership".  He is but a mere follower of the establishment, unable to think for himself or act on behalf of his constituents.  He could care less for those he claims to represents, and as a result, he needs to go.  So long Mitch!  Thanks for nothing.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Thanks to the amazing video now available with super slow motion replays we can see how the baseball and bat interact during a home run swing.  Obviously both deflect during contact but to see it with your own eyes at super slow speed is quite fascinating.  Not only does the bat ripple like a rubber pencil, the ball squishes dramatically against the bat as you can see in the video and pictures.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

World Domination

So we are in a foreign land left to make the best of a bad situation.  After being banished from the previous world, there is a renewed passion to dominate the new world.  And so it begins....again!