Saturday, August 24, 2013

The NSA has Eight Legs

So here I am enjoying myself in Big Daddy's Big Time Adventure when out of nowhere I see this "spider" peering into my window.  I know the NSA is looking into everything everyone does now but this is ridiculous.  Do they really need to know when I am fighting a Creeper, or crafting a pickax, or maybe enchanting some armor?  You may think you look like a spider but we all know you are on mission from the NSA.  Next a drone will fly over and drop a missile on my mob spawner.  Have you no shame NSA?

Monday, August 12, 2013

The Perseid Meteor Showers

While we saw a few meteors steak across the night sky in the two to three hours we were out, this is mostly what we saw.  Not the greatest of shows but it did give us the opportunity to run some people off our neighbor's land.  So not all was lost.  Shout out to our persistent barking dog, flashlights, box of Cheez-its, and a bag of pretzels!