Monday, December 31, 2012

Well Played Louisville...

You may have won this round by a measly 3 points, 80 -77, but remember, this is the only way you will get your name on a championship t-shirt.  GO BIG BLUE!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

What's Your Name Sweetheart?

Just noticed that the Weather Channel is naming winter storms.  This is just ridiculous.  Next they will be naming thunderstorms and foggy mornings.  Can't wait to tell the grand kids about the time Winter Storm Euclid grazed to the north!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Old Man Winter Punched Us in the Gut!

We have already bested last years snow total of a dusting by cashing in on a solid 2 1/2 inches of the good stuff.  However, hopes were high for so much more.  Now we must deal with the reality of another snowy bust in the Near Miss Wing of the Winter Hall of Fame.  Surely, one of these days, we can return to the glory days of 2010 - 2011 when snow covered the landscape through December and January in what was a glorious time for snow lovers of all ages.  Until then we simply hope and wish, fingers and toes crossed.